IEC 60730 Safety Routines for the DSC 56800EX Core - flash test failure

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IEC 60730 Safety Routines for the DSC 56800EX Core - flash test failure

Contributor I

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to add IEC60730 class B tests to an existing project for MC56F82733.

I'm having troubles to match the linker generated CRC: when I run the startup test, the interrupt vectors block test succeeds, but the program block test fails.

Thus, I've tried to use the example project and I face the very same problem.

I've tracked things down to (*.text): if I include it in the CRC calculation, the CRC test fails. If I don't include it, the CRC test succeeds.

Do you have any clues about that? Could it be some odd interaction with the debugger/breakpoints I'm using to read the CRC values (USB-TAP)? I use hardware breakpoints.

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Alberto Spagnolo

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3 Replies

Contributor III

Hi Alberto,

I also wants to use IEC60730 class B tests to an existing project, I'm using Kinetis K10 with codewarriors. Can you please guide me how should I proceed?

PS: I downloaded the library already.

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Contributor I

Ok, I was able to make it work, although I don't know why.

What happens is that if I run the CRC test with no breakpoints in it, everything works fine.

If I put a breakpoint (I double checked to be using hardware breakpoints) inside CRC  calculation function, in order to check the calculated value, the calculation fails.

If I don't put a breakpoint there, it works.

Honestly this is really odd to me, but enough to consider the code as "working" and proceed with my task list.

Thank you,

Alberto Spagnolo

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, Alberto,

Regarding your issue, i suppose that the the instruction you set a break point is replace with debughalt when you set a break point so that you can stop at the break point, when you use CRC calculation, because the code has changed, the CRC value is NOT changed, so the CRC is incorrect.

This is my guess, I am not sure.


Xiangjun Rong

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