LPC1769 Flashing issue

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LPC1769 Flashing issue

Contributor II

I have an issue for download the image:
02:failed to connect: Ep(0). target marked as not debugabble
i tried already all the possible solution for it in the related topics in the below link :
1-Regaining debug access to target MCU 
but it is not solved the problem
that is the log from the flashing :

Nc: Serial Number: HID64HS12
Nc: VID:PID: 1FC9:0007
Nc: USB Path:
Nc: CM3/4 debug bus (DP 0x2BA01477 MemAP[0] 0x04770011) SWD connection failed - 'Nn(05). ACK Fault'
Nc: connection failed - Ep(01). Target marked as not debuggable. - retrying
Nc: non-Cortex debug bus (DP 0xFFFFFFFF MemAP[0] 0x04770001) SWD connection failed - 'Nn(05). ACK Fault'
Wc: Vector catch on VECTRESET signal
Nc: Debug bus check after stop (MemAP 0x4770001) FAILS - Em(02). MEM-AP is not selected.
Ed:02: Failed on connect: Ep(01). Target marked as not debuggable.
Et: Emu(0): Connected&Reset. Was: NotConnected. DpID: 00000000. CpuID: 00000000. Info: <None>
Nc: Last stub error 0: OK
Nc: Last sticky error: 0x0 AIndex: 0
Nc: No debug bus (MemAp) selected
Nc: DAP Speed test unexecuted or failed
Nc: Debug protocol: SWD. RTCK: Disabled. Vector catch: Disabled.
Pc: (100) Target Connection Failed

any one could help me ?

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3 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Thank you for your interest in NXP Semiconductor products and for the opportunity to serve you.
Maybe you should consider this issue is related to the hardware, so I was wondering if you can introduce which board and demo code you use for the testing.
Have a great day,

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Contributor II

My board is LPC 1769 connected it to LPCxpresso IDE through USB , i tried first to flash a program that make led blinks and give me that message while flashing "02:failed to connect: Ep(0). target marked as not debugabble" .
Then i tried a simple program   While(1){i++;}  . and still the the same message exist .

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Thanks for your reply.
Whether your board is OM13085 (LPCXpreeso 1769 board), if not, I was wondering if you can share the schematic of the board and I can review it for you.
Have a great day,

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

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