ERROR in final launch sequence

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ERROR in final launch sequence

Contributor IV


After building and then debugging project, error occurs as:

1. 'Launching periph_adc Debug' has encountered a problem.

      Error in final launch sequence.

      Details >> Error in final launch sequence
Failed to execute MI command:
-target-select extended-remote | crt_emu_cm_redlink -msg-port=54310 -g -mi -2 -pLPC1549 -vendor=NXP -vc -ConnectScript=LPC15RunBootRomConnect.scp -ResetScript=LPC15RunBootRomReset.scp -reset= -ProbeHandle=1 -CoreIndex=0 -flash-driver=LPC15xx_256K.cfx
Error message from debugger back end:
Remote communication error. Target disconnected.: No error.
Remote communication error. Target disconnected.: No error.


2. Target Reported errors

Reason: 02: Failed on connect.

Details >>
02: Failed on connect
Could not connect to core.
Emu(0): Connected&Reset. Was: NotConnected. DpID: 7403A82C. CpuID: 00000000. Info: <None>

I have 2 boards(LPC 1549 - OM13056) and both of them are showing the same error.

When the board is connected, the device is detected in Device Manager  and later after debug with above error the device is not appearing in Device Manager.

What is the reason and what is the solution for the above?

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5 Replies

Contributor IV

Thank you everyone,

The problem we found out was there was the usb connection gets loose while acciedntaally touching the cable. So, the sudden loose connection in between the debugging process might have caused the problem. 

Hope it is one of the reason for getting error launch sequence, will keep your points in  mind in futurre.

Thanks and regards, 

Athmesh Nandakumar

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

Thank you for your sudden replies, I've done the "Regain debug process"  on the two boards, but it worked only for one of them, another one is still in the above error state.

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Senior Contributor I

Sometimes it is tricky to get the timing right. I solder ISPRESET0 and ISPRESET1 to 0V, then power it up and briefly connect RESET to 0V, then power it down and unsolder the ISPRESET links.

But if is works on one board, it confirms what the problem is - pay very close attention to your startup sequence, SYSAHBCLKCTRL and PDRUNCFG, especially if you change the clock.

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Senior Contributor I

Before you go for the complicated solutions, have you tried all the simple things? This is on of the common error messages that you get if the board is not powered up or the probe is not plugged in!

Did it program successfully the first time, and then not subsequently? 
If that is the case, check your software - did you change the clock from internal to crystal without powering up the crystal oscillator in PDRUNCFG, or switch in the PLL, or program the SWCLK/SWDIO pins to do something different, or connect anything to the ISP RESET pins that pulls them low on startup, or disable something important in SYSAHBCLKCLTRL? If you did, you'll need to do the "Regain debug access. . . " procedure (above)  to get it to program again. 

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

First, check if there's a rogue redlinkserv process. If you have no debug connections open, there shouldn't be. If you find one, then kill the process and retry. Also, read  Regaining debug access to target MCU. Let us know how you get on.

Thanks and regards,

MCUXpresso Support